What Do I Do If I Do Not Find My Service Provider On Your Provider List?

Please contact us immediately via info@glicohealth.com or customerservices@glicohealth.com. You may also call, text or WhatsApp us on: 233(0) 261 589 927 / 501 555 158 / 501 634 026 / 261 589 857

How Do I Make A Complaint About A Rude Health Facility Attendant/Employee?

You may file a complaint via info@glicohealth.com or customerservices@glicohealth.com. You may also call, text or WhatsApp us on: 233(0) 261 589 927 / 501 555 158 / 501 634 026 / 261 589 857

Is It Obligatory To Complete An Enrollment Form Before Being Enrolled?

Yes, it is.

How Do I File For A Refund Or Claim?

  1. For Enrollees of companies/institutions, kindly contact your HR/Representative for a claim form. You can also download the form on the website and attach all necessary documentation for onward submission to us through your HR.
  2. For Families/Individuals, please download the form on the website and attach all necessary documentation for onward submission to us.

Can I Use Any Hospital I Come Across With Your Card?

No, please. If it is not a medical emergency, then you would have to visit the accredited health facility assigned to you. GLICO Healthcare Service provider Logos are visibly displayed at all our accredited health facilities.

Can I Use Any Hospital I Come Across And Later File For Refund Or Reimbursement When The Facility Is Not Accredited By GLICO Healthcare?

Yes, but this must be in line with package benefits/limits. Please follow the outlined steps to filing a claim.

Can I Enjoy Benefits After The End Of The Policy Period?

You would need to renew your policy upon its expiry to continue to enjoy the benefits.

Do I Require Medical Screening Or Examination Before Signing On To Any Of Your Health Plans?

You do not necessarily require a medical screening/examination before signing on to our Health Plans. However, we expect all our prospects to thoroughly declare their health status on the enrolment forms to enable us to plan for their health needs. Screening may only be required in rare cases.

How Do I Access Health Service In A Medical Emergency Situation?

In emergency situations, an enrollee can be taken to any health facility, including those not accredited by GLICO Healthcare for prompt medical attention. After being attended to, the enrollee is expected to file for reimbursement with supporting documents indicating proof of emergency endorsed by a medical doctor.

What Is An Emergency?

What constitutes a medical emergency can only be ascertained by a qualified medical doctor or an attendant at a health facility. This notwithstanding, generally, a medical emergency could be said to be an acute injury or illness that poses an IMMEDIATE risk to a person’s life or long-term health.